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Third Saturday Djenovici MNE IM X-10

Last update 28.10.2018 14:58:11, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

9IMZlatanovic Boroljub916390SRB2359
4GMRajkovic Dusan900265SRB2320
1Rajkovic Mladen930660SRB2319
7IMSredojevic Ivan929310SRB2316
8Saksham Rautela35046977IND2292
3FMMouhamad Joachin656410FRA2266
5Andersen Alf Roger1503120NOR2225
2FMTomic Goran941328MNE2216
10FMBujisic Vlastimir914843MNE2174
6Viskic Pavisa14502739CRO2163