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XIV Juegos Nacionales Fedeliv para Limitados Visuales Ajedrez CLASICO Femenino

Last update 14.11.2018 00:46:51, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Franco Yolima4442555NS1619B1NORTE DE SANTANDER
2Bautista Chiquillo Leidy4435737CUN1609B2CUNDINAMARCA
3Lezcano Reina Isabel4455614ARA1498B2ATLANTICO
4WCMBecerra Fonseca Camila4433289CUN1336B2CUNDINAMARCA
5Yepes Bermudez Maribel4430425VAL1308B1VALLE
6Berrio Suarez Yina Patricia4447530BOL1256B2BOLIVAR
7Ruiz Luz Alba4427866SAN1194B2SANTANDER
8Barandica Monsalve CindyATL1688B2BOLIVAR
9Martes Maira Fernanda4447638ATL1624B2ATLANTICO
10Munera G Lina Marcela4475984RIS1482B1RISARALDA
11Uribe Consuelo4475992CAU1377B1CAUCA
12Ceron Deisy Adriana4455606CAU1297B1CAUCA
13Ariza Viloria Hellen4485262ATL0B1ATLANTICO
14Carmona Luisa Maria4485270RIS0B1RISARALDA
15Contreras Sandoval Leidy Tatiana4485297ANT0B1ANTIOQUIA
16Marin Jaramillo Deisy Cecilia4485319ANT0B1ANTIOQUIA
17Vasquez Zambrano Alejandra4485335TOL0B1TOLIMA