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2018 Shanghai Cooperation Organization Chess Open

Last update 22.10.2018 06:29:29, Creator/Last Upload: Chinesechessassociation

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
16GMLalith Babu M RIND251871551
211IMLi DiCHN246771550,5
317IMDai ChangrenCHN243371549
41GMZvjaginsev VadimRUS26446,50449,5
520Xiang ZeyuCHN240960450
63GMOparin GrigoriyRUS262460446,5
714IMVokhidov ShamsiddinUZB244660349
813FMNigmatov OrtikUZB24565,50544
98IMMa ZhonghanCHN24965,50541,5
1018Chen Qi BCHN24255,50447
115GMTan ZhongyiCHN25275,50441,5
1216IMBao QilinCHN24345,50440
132GMZhou JianchaoCHN26255,50352,5
144IMXu YiCHN25365,50349,5
1510IMLou YipingCHN24855,50339
1612IMNitin S.IND246150545
1724FMZou ChenCHN238650543,5
1826WIMZhu JinerCHN236050444,5
1925Lin YiCHN236150444
2019IMKhoroshev NikitaUZB241650440
2135Karimov AlisherTJK218250345
2215IMDas ArghyadipIND243750344
2321Zhang ZijiCHN239750343
249GMFang YuxiangCHN249050337,5
257IMLiu YanCHN250650243
2622IMChu Wei ChaoCHN23934,50441
2727Li HongCHN23494,50439
2841WFMZhao ShengxinCHN21074,50431
2932Zhao ChenxiCHN23234,50346,5
3043Zhou ZirunCHN20894,50343
3133IMWang Yu A.CHN23084,50340,5
3242WFMLi YunshanCHN20964,50337
3336Xi QiCHN21824,50337
3428WFMXiao YiyiCHN23464,50337
3523Zhao YuanheCHN23894,50244,5
3638Wu HuanghuiCHN213740338
3740Yuan YeCHN212040336,5
3847Chen KailinCHN202140334,5
3948Hu Yu A.CHN202040334
4045Sun ChaoCHN204640137,5
4131IMLi BoCHN232640137
4229Pang TaoCHN233640132
4337Bai XueCHN21493,50337,5
4430Xu MinghuiCHN23353,50244,5
4534WIMGu TianluCHN22423,50237,5
4651Wang XiaoyanCHN19223,50230
4750Li GuohaoCHN19353,50130,5
4839CMWang ZidengCHN213530234,5
4953Chen YiruCHN183230232,5
5052CMDeng Yu Dong MichaelHKG184430231
5155Yunusov MukhammadTJK179230138
5254Guo WeibaoCHN182830134,5
5349Ma LinCHN200130134,5
5444WCMYang YijingCHN20712,50137,5
5546WFMAntonova NadezhdaTJK20381,50030

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)