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SLSCA Team Finals - 2018 [Division B] Under 15 Girls [2004 & 2005]

Last update 15.10.2018 03:26:30, Creator/Last Upload: srilankachess

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Final Ranking after 6 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
12A Anula Vidyalaya - Nugegdoa651026492,511
25A Swarnamali Girls' College - Kandy6321244888
33A Sangamiththa College - Galle642023,5487,810
415C Devi Balika Vidyalaya - Colombo 08641122461,59
514B St.Mary's Convent, Matara641121,5366,89
61A Ananda National School - Halawatha630320,53816
722E Regent International School622220372,86
813B Sirimavo Bandaranike Vidyalaya - Colom631219,5401,57
921D St. Joseph's Girls' School - Nugegoda632119,5335,58
1018C Sacred Heart Convent - Galle630319332,56
1123F Rathnavali Balika Vidyalaya - Gampaha622219259,86
124A Sivali Central College - Rathnapura630319258,56
1310B Gothami Girls' College - Kandy620418298,84
1416C Gankanda Central College622218261,56
1520C Viharamahadevi Balika Vidyalaya - Kand6312182607
1612B Royal College - Polonnaruwa630316,5153,56
178B Dambadeniya Central College - Dambaden6213162955
1819C Sri Siddhartha Central College - Eppaw621315,5129,35
1917C Ibbagamuwa Central College - Ibbagamuw611413201,83
206A Swarnapali Balika Maha Vidyalaya - Anu610513196,82
2111B Mayurapada Central College - Mawanella621313154,85
229B Dutugemunu Central College - Buttala60158951
237A Vishaka Girls High School - Badulla50143,57,81

Tie Break1: points (normal points + points from the qualifying rounds)
Tie Break2: FIDE-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)