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VI Memorial Haroldo Franco

Last update 16.10.2018 00:34:57, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Amapa

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Starting rank list

1Miranda Luiz Paula2152061BRA2029
2Chagas Vieira Rodrigo22722602BRA1900
3Teles Elder De Oliveira22722513BRA1849
4Pires Alves Josue2152002BRA1816
5Montero Del Aguila Victor22722491BRA1737
6Picanço Dos Passos Edinaldo2184737BRA1644
7De Paula Melo Clodovio22721002BRA1638
8Patrick Queiroz Da Costa Alan22729836BRA1508
9Braz De Araujo Daniel324226807BRA1457
10Ribeiro De Melo Vitor22722459BRA1434
11Braz De Araujo Gama Heitor2187400BRA1155
12Luis Albuquerque Pires Enzo22739246BRA1811
13Nathan Cabral Dos Santos Reyonne22739262BRA1779
14Aurelio Linhares De Magalhaes GustavoBRA0
15Azevedo Lemos CleytonBRA0
16Ribeiro Quaresmas GivanildoBRA0
17Viana De Lima FlaviaBRA0