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Last update 03.10.2010 19:53:24, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Federation (Arbiter Comitee)

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Starting rank list

1IMVillavicencio Martinez AdalberESP2317
2Castaner Halster XavierESP2177
3Rodriguez Vera GregorioESP2128
4Hidalgo Santana FernandoESP2127
5Villavicencio Martinez CarlosESP2123
6Rodriguez Lapetra PabloESP2111
7Kraus OliverGER2069
8Molina Rodriguez BorjaESP2058
9CMOrtells Perez VictorESP2058
10Perez Gutierrez NauzetESP2007
11Alvarez Diaz VictorESP1966
12Rodriguez Falcon Jesus ManuelESP1941
13Martin Hernandez Jonas DavidESP1898
14Guardia Bencomo TomasESP1883
15Darias Darias LuisESP1877
16Estevez Hernandez CristoESP1875
17Laino Alvarez MarcosESP1867
18Damaso Tacoronte CarolinaESP1860
19Martin Ortega OscarESP1854
20Perez Celis AlbaESP1819
21Korneev SvyatoslavESP1787
22De La Rubia Ramirez Dulce NESP1774
23Mingorance Torres FranciscoESP1771
24Zamanillo Iranzo Jose IgnacioESP1747
25Perez Barreto AdrianESP1718
26Perez De La Torre JorgeESP1711
27Ayala Trujillo AsensioESP1704
28Rodriguez Garcia YaizaESP1674
29Lorenzo Ventura AbelESP1595
30Lozano Marques ManuelESP1591
31Pozo Vinuesa ElenaESP1586
32Villavicencio Sanchez PedroESP1542
33Febles Dominguez Alfonso JesusESP1488
34Ferrera Gonzalez CarlosESP1485
35Pozo Vinuesa PedroESP1456
36Pozo Vinuesa AnaESP1420
37Abreu Perez AbigailESP1395
38Redondo Martin EnriqueESP1353
39Garcia Lorenzo JaimeESP1319
40Isasa Martin Carlos IgnacioESP1299
41Pena Aragon SergioESP1296
42Sanchez Soler ManuelESP1584
43Quintero Leon VictorESP1442
44Gil Ojeda JorgeESP1155
45Gutierrez Perdigon AlfredoESP0
46Mukhi Talreja Ishita TinaESP0
47Pino Tejera AngelESP0