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Final do Estadual Absoluto Capixaba 2018

Darrera actualització14.10.2018 16:30:31, Creador/Darrera càrrega: IA Pablyto Robert

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Rànquing inicial

1Torrezani Eduardo De Moraes2107872BRA18841878
2Lage Sergio Correa Magalhaes2110636BRA18831865
3Alves Alessandro Cunha2153106BRA18221900
4Carvalho Luiz Candido Brant2140098BRA17431769
5Sereno Getulio Souza2199955BRA17351796
6Campos Israel Laurindo22746480BRA01785
7Vargas Fábio Souza2116120BRA01773
8Alves Eler Ramos Santiago22744916BRA01764
9De Castro Demetrio Iabrudi2199939BRA01595