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Northumberland Championship Zollner 2018-19

Last update 01.05.2019 07:52:15, Creator/Last Upload: Lara Barnes IA

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Starting rank list

1Storey Charlie406686ENG213Jesmond
2Moreby James427756ENG207Gosforth
3Wall Tim401641ENG203Forest Hall
4Dargan Paul416762ENG201Tynemouth
5Coathup Roger407062ENG195Morpeth
6Han Yichen1054430NED193Forest Hall
7Zhang Zheming430757ENG188Forest Hall
8Boyd John405132ENG184South Shields
9Henderson David430021ENG181Tynemouth
10Riding Mick430102ENG174Gosforth
11Trevelyan AndyENG159Jesmond
12Skelsey Stuart459178ENG155Forest Hall