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Northumberland Championship Sell 2018-19

Darrera actualització20.04.2019 20:34:07, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Lara Barnes IA

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Rànquing inicial

1Bielby Paul429864ENG167South Shields
2Smith MikeENG164Forest Hall
3Clarke John429988ENG159Tynemouth
4Laws Darren451690ENG159Tynemouth
5Seeber Martin428442ENG156Morpeth
6Skelsey Stuart459178ENG155Forest Hall
7Smith ChristianENG152Tynemouth
8Burnell Steve414360ENG141Tynemouth
9Mitcheson BobENG141Morpeth
10Marsh JohnENG135Leam Lane
11Macdonald CiaranENG122Forest Hall