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Northumberland Championship Gilroy 2018-19

Last update 11.05.2019 15:51:41, Creator/Last Upload: Lara Barnes IA

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Starting rank list

1Stebbings DavidENG139Gosforth
2Cox KevinENG137Gateshead
3Rook IanENG131Forest Hall
4Czestochowski Eddie459089ENG130South Shields
5Moreby Kurt450103ENG129Gosforth
6Noble BillENG124Gateshead
7Macdonald CiaranENG122Forest Hall
8Peardon DavidENG118South Shields
9Heyman BobENG116Gosforth
10Xu WeimingENG112Forest Hall
11Wells PeterENG111Gateshead
12Bayram AsaENG109Gateshead
13Johnson Stan430080ENG103South Shields
14Appleby RobENG102Leam Lane
15Miller JoeENG92Leam Lane
16Rudzenis AlexENG91Northumberland Juniors
17Glasper BrendanENG83South Shields
18French MorganENG68Forest Hall
19Wilkinson BillENG61Leam Lane
20Richardson PaulENG0Tynemouth