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Campionat Absolut Territorial de Tarragona 2018 A

Darrera actualització25.11.2018 13:35:27, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Josep M. Camell Jane

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 9 rondes

OrdreNom1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3  Des4  Des5 
1MKBru Rullo Llatzer 46w1 54b1 10w1 3b1 4w1 2b½ 15w1 6b1 5w18,547,551,5047,752570
2FMEsplugas Esteve Vicenc 39w½ 45w1 8b1 9b1 3w1 1w½ 24b+ 4b1 12b1849,553046,002490
3FMZurano Lopez Pedro 48b1 36w1 37b1 1w0 2b0 39w1 29b1 11w1 8b174649,5033,502305
4Saldaña Caballe Enric 28b1 30w1 13b½ 16w1 1b0 8w½ 36b1 2w0 15b1646,551029,502232
5Sanchez Mayor Jose -0 44b1 47w1 37w1 13b1 24w½ 11b½ 7w1 1b0644,547,5028,502198
6MKBenet Catala Antoni 74w1 26b1 9w½ 12b½ 36w1 15b0 10w1 1w0 17b1644,546,5027,502123
7Guasch Figuerola Agusti 25w0 27b1 48w½ 33b1 22w1 12b½ 9w1 5b0 23w1641,545029,002066
8Sanz Bastos Fernando 56w1 18b½ 2w0 60b1 20w1 4b½ 12w½ 27b1 3w05,54649,5026,252137
9Alfonso Pellisa Aaron 35b1 29w1 6b½ 2w0 16b1 13w½ 7b0 21w½ 32b15,54448026,252089
10MKRegue Farran Enric 68b1 23w1 1b0 49w1 15b0 25w1 6b0 16w1 11w½5,54447024,502084
11Sanchez Bernardino Miguel A. 42w½ 60b1 17w1 -0 28b1 38w1 5w½ 3b0 10b½5,543,547,5026,252104
12Madria Garriga Vidal 41b½ 55w1 22b1 6w½ 38b½ 7w½ 8b½ 15w1 2w05,54346025,752070
13Guasch Murtra Josep Mª 58w1 47b1 4w½ 53b½ 5w0 9b½ 23w½ 19b½ 27w15,54144024,002050
14Martinez Martin Jose Javier 18w0 56b0 58w1 27b0 57w1 47b1 26b½ 28w1 25b15,53437020,751883
15Barberans Sola Sebastia 66w1 53b0 41w1 25b1 10w1 6w1 1b0 12b0 4w054648,5023,002073
16Negreiro Pozo Benet 57b1 20w1 53w½ 4b0 9w0 18b1 22w1 10b0 19w½54447024,502045
17Cabanillas Roca Christian 21w1 61w1 11b0 19b0 54w½ 30b½ 50w1 29b1 6w054044022,251957
18Marti Fumado Manel 14b1 8w½ -0 21b1 -0 16w0 37b½ 58w1 38b154043022,252058
19Aubanell Ber Sergi 45b0 64w1 35b1 17w1 24b0 -0 20w1 13w½ 16b½53941,5022,251977
20Fosch Ferre Arnau 31w1 16b0 26w½ 50b1 8b0 21w½ 19b0 37w1 46b1538,542,5021,751942
21Masalias Mira Marc 17b0 57w1 28b½ 18w0 68w1 20b½ 48w1 9b½ 22w½537,540,5019,501897
22Herreros Rojo Ivan 32b½ 62w1 12w0 63b1 7b0 34w1 16b0 40w1 21b½53739,5018,251852
23Olive Oller Guim 63w1 10b0 45w0 47b½ 51w1 31b+ 13b½ 26w1 7b053638,5019,251843
24Pujol Codinach Eduard 40w½ 39b+ 38b½ 69w+ 19w1 5b½ 2w- -0 -04,542,546021,002025
25Beltran Reverter Josep M. 7b1 -0 54w1 15w0 35b1 10b0 30w½ 43b1 14w04,54145021,251948
26Rodriguez Marcos Josep Ramon 51w1 6w0 20b½ 56b1 39w½ 27b½ 14w½ 23b0 30w½4,539,543020,001888
27John Madria Joseph 29b0 7w0 64b1 14w1 37b1 26w½ 38b1 8w0 13b04,53941,5018,251901
28Bru Aljarilla Francisco 4w0 66b1 21w½ 31b1 11w0 54b½ 43w½ 14b0 52w14,53941,5017,251817
29Romero Mendez Antonio 27w1 9b0 46w0 44b+ 49b1 48b1 3w0 17w0 33b½4,538,542018,001881
30Pique Ferre Jordi 59w1 4b0 -0 51b½ 60w+ 17w½ 25b½ 38w½ 26b½4,53740,5018,251866
31Calonge Fabregat Marc 20b0 68w½ 42b1 28w0 45b1 23w- 49w1 32w½ 34b½4,53639018,251805
32Aloy Lopez Xavier 22w½ 38b0 74w1 48b½ 46w1 36b0 54w1 31b½ 9w04,53638016,751809
33Varona Mancilla David 53w0 67b1 61b½ 7w0 -0 55b½ 45w1 57b1 29w½4,534,536,5014,501838
34Cases Arasa Jordi -0 59b½ 60w0 55b1 63w1 22b0 41w1 50b½ 31w½4,53436,5015,751718
35Preda Iulian Cosmin 9w0 74b1 19w0 41b1 25w0 40b½ 57w0 68b1 48w14,53335014,251748
36Domingo Basora Sergi 67w1 3b0 40w1 46b1 6b0 32w1 4w0 -0 -0441,543,5014,001948
37Cabrera Royo Rafel 49b1 65w1 3w0 5b0 27w0 41b½ 18w½ 20b0 47b144144016,001866
38Cortes Simon Pedro Antonio 62b½ 32w1 24w½ 45b1 12w½ 11b0 27w0 30b½ 18w0439,542016,751868
39Pla Rofes Aleix 2b½ 24w- 55w1 62w1 26b½ 3b0 -0 -0 58w1439,542014,502037
40Romeu De La Cruz Josep 24b½ 50w½ 36b0 52w0 44b1 35w½ 60b+ 22b0 41w½435,538,5016,751689
41Guasch Guasch Ferran 12w½ 43b½ 15b0 35w0 64b1 37w½ 34b0 62w1 40b½434,537013,751726
42Caballero Gomez-Casero Emilio 11b½ -0 31w0 72b0 74w1 63b½ 55w1 52b½ 43w½43436013,001654
43Grau Ferrer Carles 55b½ 41w½ 49b0 -0 58w1 62w1 28b½ 25w0 42b½432,535013,501709
44Novales Montero Enric 61b0 5w0 66b1 29w- 40w0 70b1 52w0 56b1 57w1431,534011,501683
45Cabo Izquierdo Mario 19w1 2b0 23b1 38w0 31w0 -0 33b0 65w½ 66b+3,54042,5014,501816
46Girona Masdeu Joan 1b0 70w1 29b1 36w0 32b0 49w½ 62b1 -0 20w03,538,541011,001823
47Ortega Lopez Manuel -1 13w0 5b0 23w½ 50b½ 14w0 64b1 48b½ 37w03,537,540012,501704
48Costa Berengue Joan 3w0 58b1 7b½ 32w½ 52b1 29w0 21b0 47w½ 35b03,53740012,751761
49Girona Rovira Albert 37w0 52b1 43w1 10b0 29w0 46b½ 31b0 -0 62w13,53436,5012,001743
50Girona Masdeu Gabriel 60w½ 40b½ 63b½ 20w0 47w½ 52b1 17b0 34w½ -03,533,536012,251687
51Alcover Sancho Manuel 26b0 73w1 69b0 30w½ 23b0 -0 56w½ 55b½ 64w13,53335,5011,501725
52Navarro Berni Jordi 65b0 49w0 -1 40b1 48w0 50w0 44b1 42w½ 28b03,532,535,5013,251564
53MKFernandez Soriano Ruben 33b1 15w1 16b½ 13w½ -0 -0 -0 -0 -0341,545,5015,252191
54Ribes Cabrera Jordi 64b1 1w0 25b0 57w1 17b½ 28w½ 32b0 -0 -033941,5010,251835
55Sola Sendra Francesc 43w½ 12b0 39b0 34w0 73b1 33w½ 42b0 51w½ 59b½337,541012,001604
56Cabo Salcedo Javier 8b0 14w1 65b½ 26w0 61w0 -0 51b½ 44w0 70b133739,5012,001699
57Cabrero Font David 16w0 21b0 67w1 54b0 14b0 59w1 35b1 33w0 44b033739010,001619
58Garustovich Ramirez Nicolas 13b0 48w0 14b0 70w1 43b0 71w1 63w1 18b0 39b0336,53908,501626
59Villaden Isern Joaquim 30b0 34w½ 68b0 73w½ -0 57b0 74w1 67b½ 55w½3283008,751467
60Caixal Pique Jordi 50b½ 11w0 34b1 8w0 30b- 68b1 40w- -0 -02,53740010,001850
61Año Pla Gerard 44w1 17b0 33w½ -0 56b1 -0 -0 -0 -02,536,540010,501886
62Rovira Morancho Miquel 38w½ 22b0 71w1 39b0 65w1 43b0 46w0 41b0 49b02,53538,509,501582
63Peana Bagaria Joan Andreu 23b0 -1 50w½ 22w0 34b0 42w½ 58b0 -0 67w½2,5333508,751439
64Colomé Lluch Àlvaro 54w0 19b0 27w0 67b1 41w0 66b1 47w0 70b½ 51b02,5303205,751501
65Mestieri Farre Xavier 52w1 37b0 56w½ -0 62b0 -0 68w½ 45b½ -02,529,53208,001631
66Lisiewicz Jornet Julia 15b0 28w0 44w0 74b½ 71b½ 64w0 67b½ -1 45w-2,527,529,505,751353
67Mañe Casas Josep 36b0 33w0 57b0 64w0 70b0 -1 66w½ 59w½ 63b½2,526,52805,751326
68Matons Calafi Eva M. 10w0 31b½ 59w1 -0 21b0 60w0 65b½ 35w0 -02374008,001622
69Moreno Robert Eduard 70b1 -0 51w1 24b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -023537,506,502400
70Garcia Verges Santiago 69w0 46b0 -0 58b0 67w1 44w0 73b½ 64w½ 56w0230,532,505,001482
71Cusido Rodriguez Joan 72w½ -0 62b0 -0 66w½ 58b0 -1 -0 -0228,530,505,751369
72Soler Lopez Hugo 71b½ -0 -0 42w1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -01,532,53506,251701
73Petrus Perez Enric -0 51b0 -0 59b½ 55w0 74b½ 70w½ -0 -01,527,529,504,001370
74Cartanya Caro Pau 6b0 35w0 32b0 66w½ 42b0 73w½ 59b0 -0 -0131,533,503,001334

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempat3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Desempat4: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Desempat5: Recursive Ratingperformance