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Departamental CAP 2018

Last update 31.10.2018 17:32:37, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)

Starting rank list of players

10CMUlaneo Ruben3001369URU2231Paysandu
6Ulaneo Matias3001040URU2118Paysandu
7Pustilnik Iber3700330PAR2035Paysandu
8Campopiano Julio3001059URU1955Paysandu
9Pintos Maximiliano3007197URU1812Paysandu
5Gutierrez Miguel3002284URU1736Paysandu
2Padron Mariano3011313URU1716Paysandu
11Gonzalez Edison3010848URU1696Paysandu
4Larrosa Carlos3001520URU1576Paysandu
1Pintos Sergio3005917URU1550Paysandu
3Caillabet Carlos3005801URU1250Paysandu