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Gibraltar International Chess Festival 2019 - Masters

Last update 31.01.2019 18:40:41, Creator/Last Upload: IA Laurent FREYD

Player overview for CHN

4GMYu Yangyi2764CHN½½11½11½1071210-3,00Masters
48GMJu Wenjun2575CHN11½½0½110½645105,20Masters
74GMTan Zhongyi2502CHN½10½1½½1117221011,10Masters
107GMLei Tingjie2447CHN1011½0½1016541017,00Masters
170CMZuo Yifan2298CHN1½½½½000½14,51442024,60Masters

Results of the last round for CHN

Rd.Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
1014GMYu Yangyi27647 0 - 1 GMArtemiev Vladislav270911
101830GMIndjic Aleksandar26306 0 - 16 GMTan Zhongyi250274
103148GMJu Wenjun2575 ½ - ½ IMPrithu Gupta246297
1038107GMLei Tingjie24475 1 - 05 GMPeralta Fernando258046
1088170CMZuo Yifan2298 1 - 0 Whatley Stephen A J2171204

Player details for CHN

GM Yu Yangyi 2764 CHN Rp:2715 Pts. 7
1126IMErenberg Ariel2409ISR5,5w ½-0,3910-3,90
2156IMFenollar Jorda Manuel2342ESP4,5s ½-0,4210-4,20
3131IMVega Gutierrez Sabrina2390ESP6w 10,10101,00
460GMWerle Jan2541NED6w 10,22102,20
547GMYuffa Daniil2578RUS6,5s ½-0,2410-2,40
641GMVaibhav Suri2590IND6,5w 10,27102,70
718GMAdhiban B.2689IND6,5s 10,40104,00
814GMMatlakov Maxim2700RUS7s ½-0,0910-0,90
99GMLe Quang Liem2714VIE7w 10,43104,30
1011GMArtemiev Vladislav2709RUS8,5w 0-0,5810-5,80
GM Ju Wenjun 2575 CHN Rp:2608 Pts. 6
1173FMRisting Eivind Olav2281NOR5,5s 10,15101,50
2111IMRaja Rithvik R2431IND5w 10,31103,10
315GMCheparinov Ivan2691GEO6,5s ½0,16101,60
410GMIvanchuk Vassily2713UKR6w ½0,19101,90
51GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime2780FRA7s 0-0,2410-2,40
6113GMSolozhenkin Evgeniy2427RUS6,5w ½-0,2010-2,00
7103IMHanley Craig A2452ENG6s 10,33103,30
8109IMTomazini Zan2439SLO5w 10,32103,20
920GMGrandelius Nils2682SWE7s 0-0,3510-3,50
1097IMPrithu Gupta2462IND6w ½-0,1510-1,50
GM Tan Zhongyi 2502 CHN Rp:2585 Pts. 7
1199FMLim Zhuo Ren2178MAS5s ½-0,3710-3,70
2197Koehler Gerhard Dr.2184GER3,5w 10,13101,30
38GMVitiugov Nikita2720RUS7,5s 0-0,2210-2,20
4153IMKarim Ismael2347MAR4,5w ½-0,2110-2,10
5147WGMHoolt Sarah2358GER3s 10,31103,10
6-not paired- --- ½
7152WGMDoluhanova Evgeniya2348UKR4,5w ½-0,2110-2,10
8123IMTsolakidou Stavroula2414GRE5,5s 10,38103,80
939GMMaze Sebastien2596FRA6w 10,63106,30
1030GMIndjic Aleksandar2630SRB6s 10,67106,70
GM Lei Tingjie 2447 CHN Rp:2575 Pts. 6
1232Dasaolu Rotimi2038NGR1,5w 10,08100,80
244GMMikhalevski Victor2581ISR5,5s 0-0,3210-3,20
3180Bliumberg Vladislav2253UKR3,5w 10,25102,50
434GMDonchenko Alexander2604GER6,5s 10,71107,10
537GMDeac Bogdan-Daniel2603ROU6w ½0,21102,10
619GMHowell David W L2685ENG7,5s 0-0,2010-2,00
7-not paired- --- ½
856GMKadric Denis2545BIH6w 10,63106,30
953GMMoroni Luca Jr2562ITA6s 0-0,3410-3,40
1046GMPeralta Fernando2580ARG5w 10,68106,80
CM Zuo Yifan 2298 CHN Rp:2400 Pts. 4,5
145GMSantos Latasa Jaime2581ESP6s 10,842016,80
259GMKoneru Humpy2541IND6w ½0,30206,00
367IMZanan Evgeny2528ISR4,5s ½0,29205,80
479GMSprenger Jan Michael Dr.2498GER5w ½0,26205,20
569GMDemuth Adrien2517FRA5,5s ½0,28205,60
673GMGallego Alcaraz Andres Felipe2502COL6w 0-0,2420-4,80
7120IMWemmers Xander2418NED5s 0-0,3420-6,80
8111IMRaja Rithvik R2431IND5w 0-0,3220-6,40
9205Crespo Eugenio2169ARG3,5s ½-0,1720-3,40
10204Whatley Stephen A J2171GIB3,5w 10,33206,60