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Torneo Departamental Sub 10 Absoluto 2011 Antioquia

Last update 05.09.2010 22:03:31, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Restrepo Borrero MateoANT1534Paul Keres
2Ruiz Agudelo SantiagoANT1504Paul Keres
3Atehortua Quintero GabrielaANT1501
4Arbelaez Velasquez GeronimoANT1489
5Ferreira Mayra AlejandraANT1473
6Varela Maria De Los AngelesANT1472Paul Keres
7Ospina SantiagoANT1419
8Soto Miguel AngelANT1360
9Ospina Juan PabloANT1339
10Marin Cuadros SebastianANT1334
11Cardenas Escudero Laura YulietANT1315
12Galeano Londono PabloANT1258
13Pineda OrianaANT1236Paul Keres
14Toro Castaneda ElizabehtANT0
15Yepez Kevin LeandroANT0
16Yepez Ortiz DubierANT0