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Scarborough Major

Last update 28.10.2018 19:49:49, Creator/Last Upload: Lara Barnes IA

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Starting rank

1KENDALL Paul Sn412309ENG170Beverley
2LORD David EENG169Hull Dca
3HARRIS Martyn J424218ENG168Newcastle-Under-Lyme
4BROUGHTON Daniel422720ENG167West Bridgford
5JACKSON Paul G468614ENG167Coulsdon Cf
6ROUND R Michael416363ENG167Rose Forgrove
7BURNS Martin J420123ENG166Stockport
8HERON Donald416282SCO165Edinburgh
9MOUNCE Richard B424439ENG165York Ri
10ASHCROFT Graham J438090ENG163Preston
11CLEGG Robert425150ENG163Huddersfield
12JACOB Sydney J419338ENG163Lewisham
13STAPLES Neil424641ENG163Banbury
14CLINTON WilliamSCO162Scotland
15POTTER Karl H415758ENG161Syston
16TURNER Tim M416428ENG161Beverley
17CAWSTON M John434000ENG160Undercliffe
18PATRICK David A468517ENG160Courier Halifax
19WELLS Leslie416452ENG160York Ri
20BAXTER Harry425141ENG159Alwoodley
21MILNES John DhENG159Bradford College
22WILLIAMS David434710ENG159Derby
23ORMEROD StephenENG158Darlington
24WILLIAMSON Graham Ag2402459SCO158Waterloo
25WILSON Matthew R423459ENG158Teignmouth
26ELLAMES George JENG157Morpeth
27JONES Neil T430099ENG156Maryport
28TAYLOR PeterENG156Leighton Buzzard
29DEAN Robert A422860ENG154Pudsey
30MAY Paul450219ENG154Limewood & Scarcroft
31WALKOWIAK Adam2405806SCO154
32Horkan StanleyENG153Middlesbrough
33PALMER Keith J462748ENG152Louth
34RYAN John434825ENG152Denton
35BEGG DavidENG151Scotland
36CLARKE Paul Rh450162ENG151Rose Forgrove
37ELLIS BrianENG151Thornaby
38HOLI Siefaldin A12200492SUD151Wakefield
39HUGHES Peter414468ENG151Calderdale
40HALL David G2402394SCO149Scotland
41BETTLEY Andrew DENG148St Andrews Hull
42COWARD Neil437590ENG148Blackpool
43SCHMERWITZ Reinhard24646539GER148Germany
44HILL Maurice J409413ENG147Rolls Royce Derby
45DUNKLEY Michael435686ENG145Peterborough
46PASIALIS Vasileios25876937GRE145Denton
47LIVESEY R Nigel419168ENG1434ncl Manchester Manticores
48FRITH Shane S441082ENG142Sheffield
49Ibbitson AnthonyENG141
50RIDGE Benjamin2404702SCO133Edinburgh
51PARRY Samuel A460397ENG129Cheddleton & Leek