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Fall Classic 2018

Senast uppdaterad10.09.2018 06:11:43, Creator/Last Upload: dragonjoo

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1FMMoncur Cecil10400583BAH1877
2WCMKarelina Polina10400222BAH1841
3Hanna Jr Philip10400559BAH1752
4Small Byron10400044BAH1721
5CMSmith Nathan61400220BAH1616
6Whyms Chappell10400125BAH1609
7WCMJohnson Daijah10400591BAH1452
8Smith Gurth10400710BAH1349
9Pinder Trinity10400818BAH1241
10Roberts SethBAH1114
11Albury NoahBAH1100
12Orense VanBAH1100
13Edmond Davonaye10400877BAH1079
14Roberts AustinBAH1060
15Brown SheldonBAH1055
16Prince HodariBAH1047
17Brown SionBAH1044
18Clarke Adam10400958BAH1042
19Pride CurtisBAH1023
20Pride AvianBAH1018
21Pinder DeonBAH1015
22Pinder DreamBAH941
23Ambrose SerenoBAH924Bgt