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Zonal CBX RN 2018

Last update 09.09.2018 23:37:23, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

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Starting rank list

1Rocha Vitor Firmo De Souza2102951BRA2217
2Souza Rafael Cabral De2124068BRA2125
3Jordao Barbosa Marcio2116219BRA2096
4Frankental David2175061BRA1913
5Macedo Alexandre Soares De2103451BRA1901
6Moraes Jan Filipe Nunes22728902BRA1713
7Melo Guilherme Gama Do Nascimen2171449BRA1566
8De Araujo Antonio Jose2146223BRA1547
9De Lima Enzo Magalhaes22705287BRA1502
10Ananias Thales Rodrigo Lima2175029BRA1491
11De Oliveira Angela Tavares22728880BRA1474
12Do Nascimento Davi Alves2192950BRA1444
13De Lima Theo Magalhaes22725490BRA1208
14Branco Isabele Soares22724680BRA1081
15Fiori Luis Eduardo2135140BRA1829
16Dos Santos Filho Marcos Claudino22743146BRA1814
17Barbosa Julia Freire Dias22743057BRA1800
18Macedo Mariel Barbara RendonBRA1762
19Lemos Daniel DantasBRA1733
20Ribeiro Iago Rhanon De Sena22728910BRA1691
21Silva Paulo Sergio eBRA0