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Paignton Morning Thynne

Last update 07.09.2018 14:21:12, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

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Starting rank list

1Chadaway Stephen M460745ENG134Olton
2Andrews Norman G469980ENG132York Ri
3Rogers David RENG132Exmouth
4Shepherd Graham C439762ENG132Church Stretton
5Gilbert David J425354ENG131Dhss
6Shaddick John432261ENG131Basingstoke
7Errington Paul T425915ENG130Bournemouth
8Farrell Joseph BENG128Metropolitan
9Hunt Ray K439290ENG128Sidmouth
10Wood Peter C404667ENG127Hastings *
11Collins Alan470120ENG125Cowley
12Crouch Timothy J422282ENG123Kings Head
13Foster Paul447706ENG123Medway
14Morris Nigel W451703ENG122Leamington
15Cuggy Mike JENG121Brixham
16Barber-Lafon JacquieENG120Newton Abbot
17Bland Paul AENG120Wimborne
18Fraser Chris A440922ENG119West Bridgford
19Allen Timothy S419699ENG117Battersea
20Naldrett Geoff W434280ENG117Gerrards Cross
21Miles Barry S415880ENG115Coulsdon Cf
22Peach Clifford BENG107South Hams
23Mill-Wilson Graham AENG106Yate & Sodbury
24Brannan Peter MENG103Enigma
25Ingram Michael G434116ENG101New England
26Fraser Alan R416550ENG98Beckenham & Bromley
27Rolls MatthewENG95
28Welch Hazel471208ENG82Seaton
29Waldron William VictorENG0