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Paignton Walker Minor

Last update 08.09.2018 15:40:05, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

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Starting rank list

1Fraser Chris A440922ENG119West Bridgford
2Hamilton Ray P437859ENG118Metropolitan
3Allen Timothy S419699ENG117Battersea
4Huba Mark J470422ENG117Kings Head
5Evans Helen I470252ENG115Essex *
6Miles Barry S415880ENG115Coulsdon Cf
7Namouk Omer AENG111Hastings & St Leonards
8Phillips George WENG111Braille Ca
9Gordon Philip L437182ENG109Braille Ca
10Davies Alan HENG105South Hams
11Robson Caroline J411752ENG1054ncl Blackthorne Russia
12Taplin William466042ENG103Keynsham
13Carr John W434361ENG101Portsmouth
14Constable Christine F415847ENG101Bude
15Crickmore E Alan425338ENG101Plymouth
16Ingram Michael G434116ENG101New England
17Broderick Paul G438758ENG99Newport (shropshire)
18Carrick PeterENG98Somerset *
19Fraser Alan R416550ENG98Beckenham & Bromley
20Cawser Steven EENG91Brixham
21Doust Antony431230ENG89Marple
22Cox Marian436593ENG85Southampton *
23Welch Hazel471208ENG82Seaton
24Cox Reg E436585ENG75Southampton *
25Carr Wendy443417ENG36Havant *