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Darrera actualització08.09.2018 15:06:19, Creador/Darrera càrrega: englishchessfederation

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Rànquing inicial

1Simpson KevinENG176Mansfield
2Bryant Richard Be407267ENG174Oswestry
3Botham C Paul402982ENG1714ncl Iceni
4Jackson Paul G468614ENG167Coulsdon Cf
5Spanton Tim R404802ENG167Sussex Cca
6Stern Robert C439983ENG164Pimlico
7Adaway William446130ENG163Bridport
8Clegg Robert425150ENG163Huddersfield
9Tello Yasser432113ENG161Wimbledon
10Brooks PaulENG160Newton Abbot
11Patrick David A468517ENG160Courier Halifax
12Siddall Dave416371ENG160Carlisle Austin Friars
13Body Giles437573ENG159Exeter
14Ingham H William451096ENG159Teignmouth
15Walley A Clive453404ENG158Bath
16Wilson Matthew R423459ENG158Teignmouth
17Mercy John RENG157Sheffield
18Morgan Jamie451495ENG154Cornwall Cca
19O'gorman Brendan419214ENG154Dhss
20O'brien Megan EENG153Plymouth
21Farrar Gordon416266ENG150Halifax
22Hibbitt Arthur M409405ENG150Banbury
23Clarke Ian MENG149Market Harborough
24Robertson Jim2403471SCO148Scotland
25Nyman John Ch403482ENG146Kings Head
26Page Martin C418382ENG145Insurance
27Mahoney Nicholas414700ENG143Barnby Dun
28Foley Phil T415871ENG141Upminster
29Morton Peter S414158ENG140Transport For London