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2018 Etienne Lewis Trials u/16 Girls

Last update 02.09.2018 14:49:24, Creator/Last Upload: Anneline Reyneke

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Starting rank list

1Booysen Tineke143133831194Waterkloof Chess Club
2Bester Carla143180321154Waterkloof Chess Club
3Goncalves Dias A'mika143230951131Waterkloof Chess Club
4Botha Leri143253491130Pretoria Chess Club
5Bouwer Dane143244401098Waterkloof Chess Club
6Buitendag Nanique143189621103Waterkloof Chess Club
7Schafer Kaylin14325373930Northern Knights
8Du Plessis Annalette14325420892Waterkloof Chess Club
9Ferreira Chantelle14325411892Northern Knights