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34th European Club Cup 2018

Last update 24.10.2018 13:39:35, Creator/Last Upload: middlewave

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Team-Composition without round-results

  10. SV Werder Bremen (RtgAvg:2468 / TB1: 8 / TB2: 147,5) Captain: Gerlef Meins
1GMWerle Jan2527NED1006088372506
2GMBabula Vlastimil2522CZE301264572666
3IMMarkgraf Alexander2502GER4646410262334
4IMZumsande Martin2492GER4651324462483
5Grigorian Spartak2347GER246614902,562326
6IMMeins Gerlef2408GER46208953,552409
7IMRichter Christian2356GER4638654352375