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Last update 03.09.2018 20:46:09, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMErgazakis Ioannis2158GRE 18b1 14w1 13b½ 22w1 10b1 2w1 3b1 6w½ 9b181748
2Krallis Christos2157GRE 23w1 9b1 5w1 3b1 6w1 1b0 4w1 13w1 8b180851,5
3Dimitriou Georgios2032GRE 26w1 8b1 7w1 2w0 13b1 5b1 1w0 9w0 10b160651
4Rahmanidis Petros2053GRE 7b0 22w0 21b1 26w1 18b1 10w1 2b0 19w1 6b160644,5
5IMSkalkotas Nikolaos1993GRE 28b1 19w1 2b0 15w1 7b1 3w0 6b0 22w1 14b160644
6FMDrakoulakos Grigorios2204GRE 20w1 24b½ 11w1 13w1 2b0 8b1 5w1 1b½ 4w060550,5
7Abelakiotis Stavros1639GRE 4w1 10w1 3b0 24b1 5w0 15w1 9b½ 8b0 13w15,50546,5
8Chatzieleftheriou Andreas1825GRE 29b1 3w0 19b½ 25w1 22b1 6w0 15b1 7w1 2w05,50543
9Kaluzny Lukasz1830POL 16w1 2w0 25b½ 23b½ 17w1 11b1 7w½ 3b1 1w05,50449
10Papadimitriou Loukas1996GRE 17w1 7b0 18w1 16b1 1w0 4b0 20w1 12b1 3w050548
11Panopoulos Orestis1480GRE 22b½ 12w1 6b0 14w1 19b1 9w0 13b0 18b½ 23w150442,5
12Papacharitonos Chariton1853GRE 19b0 11b0 27w1 17b0 28w1 14w1 16b1 10w0 22b150536
13Nikolaou Spiridon2000GRE 25b1 15w1 1w½ 6b0 3w0 24b1 11w1 2b0 7b04,50450
14Koerant Filipos1856GRE 27w1 1b0 23w½ 11b0 16w1 12b0 24w1 20b1 5w04,50443
15Litras Iosif1824GRE 30w1 13b0 17w1 5b0 23w1 7b0 8w0 16b½ 24w14,50439
16Nteligiorgis Eleftherios1284GRE 9b0 26b1 20w1 10w0 14b0 23b1 12w0 15w½ 27b14,50438,5
17Strati Betty - Anna1525GRE 10b0 29w1 15b0 12w1 9b0 18w1 22b0 21w1 19b½4,50438
18Georgitsi Antigoni1680GRE 1w0 27b1 10b0 28w1 4w0 17b0 30b1 11w½ 26b14,50436,5
19Stamatiou Rodolfos1423GRE 12w1 5b0 8w½ 20b1 11w0 22w½ 25b1 4b0 17w½4,50343,5
20Raptakis Solon1725GRE 6b0 28w1 16b0 19w0 21b1 26w1 10b0 14w0 30w140433,5
21Petrakis Minos1480GRE 24w0 23b0 4w0 30b1 20w0 29b1 27w1 17b0 28w140428
22Haralabidis Tengkiz1951GRE 11w½ 4b1 24w1 1b0 8w0 19b½ 17w1 5b0 12w040348
23Sakkas Konstantinos1677GRE 2b0 21w1 14b½ 9w½ 15b0 16w0 26b1 25w1 11b040342,5
24Lagos Hristos1867GRE 21b1 6w½ 22b0 7w0 25b1 13w0 14b0 29w1 15b03,51337,5
25Kofkelis Eleftherios1583GRE 13w0 30b1 9w½ 8b0 24w0 28b1 19w0 23b0 29b13,50330,5
26Petsetidi Maria1616GRE 3b0 16w0 29b1 4b0 27w1 20b0 23w0 30b1 18w031334
27Floros Konstaninos1459GRE 14b0 18w0 12b0 29w1 26b0 30w1 21b0 28w1 16w030328,5
28Syros Loukas1516GRE 5w0 20b0 30w1 18b0 12b0 25w0 29w0 27b0 21b011132
29Nteligiorgis Georgios1203GRE 8w0 17b0 26w0 27b0 30w0 21w0 28b1 24b0 25w011129
30Nioras Konstantinos0GRE 15b0 25w0 28b0 21w0 29b1 27b0 18w0 26w0 20b011128,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Greater number of victories/games variable
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)