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Margie C. Narcilla FIDE Rated Standard Round Robin Chess Championships

Last update 26.08.2018 10:54:00, Creator/Last Upload: Mindanao Chessmates

Starting rank list of players

8Leysa Ferdinand5203821PHI2065
7Guevarra Jose Dionisio Jr.5233046PHI1907
9Yngayo Irish5211751PHI1748
5Guevarra Florence Faith5233003PHI1720
4Rafales Baltazar5223660PHI1362
2Batislaong Knarf LawrencePHI0
10Elloso MichaelPHI0
6Moulic Alfred5229103PHI0
1Placencia Kurt John5212006PHI0
3Trangia Jimzon5231027PHI0