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Intern. chess festival "Open cup of Lviv" (GM Norms) Tourn."E"

Last update 26.08.2018 12:42:40, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

2GMVovk Yuri14113171UKR2564Lviv
7GMKislinsky Alexey14108801CZE2478Chekh Republic
10GMPacher Milan14907445SVK2452Slovakia
1IMMatviishen Viktor14129850UKR2437Vinnytsia
9WGMBuksa Nataliya14123622UKR2376Lviv
4Galperin Platon14165414UKR2374Chernihiv
6FMNatsidis Christoph24601179GER2346Germany
8FMPunin Andrii14112639UKR2339Mykolayiv
5FMTanriverdi Enes34543279TUR2276Turkey
3FMMosesov Danylo14149494UKR2236Lviv