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IRT Open Festival Nacional de Ajedrez de la Juventud Martires Sub17

Last update 12.09.2018 16:43:43, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Sabogal Varela Jose Joaquin4446178CUN18561856U17Fomeque - Club Doble Jaque
2Hernandez Jeronimo4452372CUN18511851U17Chia - Club Virtual Chess
3CMLopez Ramirez David Santiago4439333CUN18301830U17Soacha
4Cruz Beltran Andres Euclides4427335CUN17371737U17Tocancipa
5Fraile Vela Maria Isabel4425901BOG16931693wU17Bogota
6Mesa Baez Samuel4451848BOG16421642U17Bogotá - Club AlphaZero
7Macias Chavarro Manuela4458451BOG16411641wU17Bogotá - Chaturanga Chess Club
8Manosalva Samuel4450060CUN01618U17Talento Cota
9Higarrero Juan David4456173CUN16111611U17Chia - Club Virtual Chess
10Lopez Ramirez Daniel Giovanny4449401CUN15801580U17Soacha
11Galeano Garcia Juan Diego4482891CUN01545U17Bogota
12Luna Jaime Eduardo4419529CUN15051504U17Guatavita
13Carvajal Pena Dilan Ricardo4453646CUN14981498U17Tocancipa
14Castiblanco Miguel Angel4452682CUN01496U17Guatavita
15Garcia Barrera Diego Fernando4453689CUN14841484U17Tocancipa
16Luna Julio4456211CUN01473U17Guatavita
17Rincon Duban Felipe4452119CUN14621462U17Fomeque - Club Doble Jaque
18Bautista Laura Camila4472292CUN01454wU17Guatavita
19Villalobos Alejandro4480481CUN14191419U17Chia - Club Virtual Chess
20Guevara Varila Jaidith Katherin4470842CUN14451405wU17Fomeque - Club Doble Jaque
21WCMMogollon Tobar Nicolle Julieth4452194VAL13991399wU17Club Ajedrez Botvinnik
22Bautista Romero Stiven Alejandro4477677CUN01361U17Guatavita
23Campos Perilla Miguel Angel4473086BOG13441344U17Bogotá - Club Don Bosco
24Mogollon Tovar Diana Alejandra4460324CUN13131313wU17Choconta - Club Torre de los Almeid
25Cabiativa Juan Esteban4482174BOG13001300U17Bogotá - Club Don Bosco
26Campos Perilla Angie Catalina4473108BOG12441244wU17Bogotá - Club Don Bosco
27Penuela Rincon Yamith Andrey4452100CUN12201220U17Fomeque - Club Doble Jaque
28Cuellar Torres Eduard Julian4452089CUN11921192U17Fomeque - Club Doble Jaque
29Candil Wilmer4484282CUN00U17Sesquile - Club Alfeizar
30Centenaro Erazo Nicole Daniela4484290CUN00wU17Cundinamarca - Auditivo
31Duarte Jhoan4484304CUN00U17Soacha - Club Copa Real
32Hermida Luis4484312CUN00U17Soacha - Club Copa Real
33Martinez Escobar Miguel Angel4484320CUN00U17Soacha - Club Copa Real
34Pacheco Valderrama Nicolas4484339CUN00U17Sopo - Club Municipal Sopo
35Ramirez Cristian Camilo4484347BOG00U17Chia - Club Virtual Chess
36Vasquez Diego4484355CUN00U17Soacha - Club Copa Real