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FIDE World Junior and Girls Under 20 Chess Championship 2018 (Girls)

Last update 17.09.2018 13:50:50, Creator/Last Upload: Ismail Caliskan

Player overview for SWE

101FMJogstad Martin2305SWE0110½0001014,512420-20,40Open
57WFMCramling Bellon Anna2009SWE0101010101½5,5544016,00Girls

Results of the last round for SWE

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
FMJogstad MartinSWE2305 1 - 0 Baylav CanTUR2026
WIMIvana Maria FurtadoIND21445 ½ - ½5 WFMCramling Bellon AnnaSWE2009

Player details for SWE

FM Jogstad Martin 2305 SWE Rp:2236 Pts. 4,5
119IMLomasov Semyon2545RUS7,5w 020-4,00
2152Lin Peisen2034CHN3s 1203,40
329GMSanal Vahap2502TUR7w 12015,00
435IMSadikhov Ulvi2491AZE6,5s 020-5,20
525GMRepka Christopher2523SVK5,5w ½205,60
665FMMacovei Andrei2385MDA6s 020-7,80
755IMZarubitski Viachaslau2425BLR6,5w 020-6,80
8138Ismayilov Muhammad2137AZE4,5s 020-14,40
9148CMZrikem Nassim2066MAR3,5w 1204,00
10134Eren Ataberk2180TUR4,5s 020-13,40
11153Baylav Can2026TUR3,5w 1203,20
WFM Cramling Bellon Anna 2009 SWE Rp:2041 Pts. 5,5
18FMGorti Akshita2315USA7s 040-5,60
286WIMCaxita Esperanca1803ANG3,5w 1409,60
316WIMAlinasab Mobina2261IRI5s 040-7,60
480WCMAydin Gulenay1882TUR4,5w 14013,20
542Li Xinyu2086CHN6s 040-15,60
684WFMDuran Esma Doga1825TUR5w 14010,40
737WGMWafa Shahenda2129EGY6w 040-13,60
881WIMNassr Lina1854ALG4,5s 14011,60
918WIMHaussernot Cecile2237FRA5,5s 040-8,40
1075WFMDoroy Allaney Jia G1914PHI5,5w 14014,80
1136WIMIvana Maria Furtado2144IND5,5s ½407,20