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FIDE World Junior and Girls Under 20 Chess Championship 2018 (Girls)

Last update 17.09.2018 13:50:50, Creator/Last Upload: Ismail Caliskan

Player overview for SLO

97FMDobrovoljc Vid2316SLO011½00011½½5,59020-6,80Open
10WIMUnuk Laura2299SLO10½11½0110½6,52020-27,20Girls
38WFMUrh Zala2128SLO½10011010½163740-61,60Girls

Results of the last round for SLO

Rd.Bo.No. NameFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameFEDRtg No.
IMMorozov NichitaMDA24525 ½ - ½5 FMDobrovoljc VidSLO2316
WIMUnuk LauraSLO22996 ½ - ½6 WFMBeydullayeva GovharAZE2202
WFMUrh ZalaSLO21285 1 - 05 Salah NadezhdaUKR1918

Player details for SLO

FM Dobrovoljc Vid 2316 SLO Rp:2290 Pts. 5,5
115GMPichot Alan2562ARG7w 020-3,80
2146Caglar Ahmet Ata2071TUR4s 1204,00
3165Fleri Matthew1625MLT2,5- 1K
433IMAsadli Vugar2492AZE4s ½204,60
545IMLodici Lorenzo2458ITA6,5w 020-6,20
670IMNikitenko Mihail2368BLR6,5w 020-8,60
7141Gunduz Umut Erdem2119TUR5s 020-15,00
8132Tarlabasi Emirhan2193TUR5s 1206,60
9138Ismayilov Muhammad2137AZE4,5w 1205,40
1058FMSecheres Adrian-Simion2408ROU6w ½202,60
1146IMMorozov Nichita2452MDA5,5s ½203,60
WIM Unuk Laura 2299 SLO Rp:2190 Pts. 6,5
159Stanciu Ioana-Georgiana2000ROU5w 1203,00
237WGMWafa Shahenda2129EGY6s 020-14,40
355WCMIsha Sharma2012IND6,5w ½20-6,80
449WFMAuvray Honorine2050FRA6s 1203,80
533WFMPychova Nela2173CZE5,5w 1206,60
621WIMMahalakshmi M2213IND6s ½20-2,40
745WFMNurgali Nazerke2080KAZ8w 020-15,60
834WCMSong Yuxin2156CHN5,5s 1206,20
965Meenal Gupta1963IND5w 1202,40
101IMTsolakidou Stavroula2393GRE8s 020-7,40
1127WFMBeydullayeva Govhar2202AZE6,5w ½20-2,60
WFM Urh Zala 2128 SLO Rp:2018 Pts. 6
187WCMCan Isil1798TUR4w ½40-15,20
279Nass Sara1888NOR5s 1408,00
319Maltsevskaya Aleksandra2234RUS8,5w 040-14,40
465Meenal Gupta1963IND5s 040-28,80
569Kocyigit Buse Naz1944TUR6w 14010,40
671WFMHereklioglu Sude1930TUR4,5s 1409,60
725WIMKubicka Anna2204POL6w 040-16,00
877Aksoy Ayca1898TUR4s 1408,40
955WCMIsha Sharma2012IND6,5w 040-26,40
1058Hu Yu A.2009CHN5s ½40-6,40
1174Salah Nadezhda1918UKR5w 1409,20