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9th IGB Seniors Open Chess Championship 2018

Last update 26.08.2018 07:28:27, Creator/Last Upload: Malaysian Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1GMAntonio Rogelio Jr5200032PHI2432
2GMBarsov Alexei14200082UZB2369
3IMSenador Emmanuel5200601PHI2314
4IMGunawan Ronny7100035INA2276
5Gatus Edmundo5202493PHI2228
6Milagrosa Alexander5200474PHI2225
7IMLiew Chee-Meng Jimmy5700019MAS2202
8IMChan Peng Kong5800129SGP2168
9Lorena Carlo5207401PHI2156
10Haessler Carl2003341USA2155
11FMMahmud Syarif7100108INA2138
12Jamals Hendry7101031INA2120
13Bottema Martin1011006NED2111
14Gabaldon Gomez Miguel Angel2201356ESP2093
15Fernandez Fernandez Juan Carlos2226596ESP2085
16Gonzales Ireneo5202663PHI2070
17Manaog Stewart5207410PHI2067
18Lee Soi-Hock5715903MAS2061
19Yeoh Chin Seng5700418MAS2041
20AGMCamer Angelito3203590AUS2025
21Santoso Timotius Wibowo7109520INA1978
22FMIsmail Ahmad5700655MAS1951
23CMSpiller Paul4300718NZL1948
24Muhd Said Mustafa5731801MAS1947
25FMGibbons Robert4300700NZL1936
26CMBennett Hilton4300734NZL1922
27Frost Peter3204634AUS1908
28Brown Geoffrey M446416ENG1897
29Tham Tick Hong Jax5701279MAS1878
30Kwan Nam Seng Eddy5709717MAS1864
31Gaticales Martin5219248PHI1855
32AIMMuzzaffar Ahmad5700175MAS1816
33Limono Handjojo7102909INA1813
34Kebbedies Frank24606944GER1763
35Tarimo Didik Widiarso7105878INA1753
36Susanto Budhi7104979INA1746
37Hanif Mollah10202714BAN1741
38Masduki J Dr7106351INA1636
39Janto Yusin7120516INA1616
40Yeop Mat Zaki5703662MAS1564
41Zamahari Abang Draup5704057MAS1552
42Saw Lye Guan5709784MAS1530
43Kuich Gero1322079SUI1499
44Hakan Zirath1723243SWE1379
45Lee Wing Kin6002889HKG1157
46Cawte Paul343120328ENG0
47Pararajasingham Krishnasekar5780020MAS0
48Sutarmin Kusnadi7111355INA0
49Vijayan Krisha PillayMAS0