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Last update 19.08.2018 19:30:55, Creator/Last Upload: Manchester Junior Chess (License 1)

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Round 5 on 2018/08/19 at 14.30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
12IMMilchev Nikolay229 ½ - ½4 FMMcPhillips Joseph2351
29Hopkins Kit W1793 0 - 13 FMAshton Adam G2243
333Vassiliou Chris1543 ½ - ½3 Owen Dennis16028
412Lee Daniel T178 0 - 1 Surtees Mike J1995
510Newton Robert A179 ½ - ½ Keely Leo A17811
66Starley Robert1942 1 - 0 Birkin Mark H17513
722Somton Anita1672 0 - 12 FMMossong Hubert1867
88Colburn Paul J1792 1 - 02 Burns Martin J16624
920Thomson Neil1692 ½ - ½2 Bousbouras Spiros17115
1019Ilett Raymond J1692 1 - 02 Stephenson David W16723
1134Tebelev Michael1482 0 - 1 Whitehead Mark A16821
1214Bryant Richard Be174 1 - 0 Doherty Paul D14136
1316Hilton Tim171 1 - 0 Kobryn Peter J15730
1426Brencher Paul163 1 - 0 Slinger Tony16625
1537Roebuck Derek J133 0 - 11 Raghavendra Mahima G15829
1627McQuillan Stephen G1601 ½ - ½½ Livesey R Nigel14335
174Rawlinson Aidan M206 ½ not paired 
1817Leah Tom1711 0 not paired 
1918Wagg Joel171½ 0 not paired 
2031Trueman Glenn156½ 0 not paired 
2132Fu Yuting154 ½ not paired