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List of all prizes in Olympiad 2010 Khanty Mansiysk (official), FIDE-Title (unofficial)

39th Chess Olympiad 2010 Open

Last update 09.10.2010 09:55:48, Creator/Last Upload: Heinz Herzog

Team composition for federation IRI

38. IRI (RtgAvg:2550, Captain:Landa, Konstantin)
1GMGhaem Maghami Ehsan2594IRI
2GMMoradiabadi Elshan2578IRI
3GMMahjoob Morteza2529IRI
4IMToufighi Homayoon2499IRI
5FMGolizadeh Asghar2481IRI
29. IRI (RtgAvg:2252, Captain:Kveinys, Aloyzas)
1WGMPourkashiyan Atousa2322IRI
2WGMParidar Shadi2242IRI
3WFMHejazipour Mitra2239IRI
4WIMGhaderpour Shayesteh2206IRI
5WFMHakimifard Ghazal2173IRI