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IRT Laguna Paiva. Memorial Julio "chiche" de los Reyes

Last update 20.08.2018 01:11:25, Creator/Last Upload: Román Rosso

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Starting rank list

1Alvarez Leandro132756ARG2111
2Mizzau Pablo151483ARG2076
3Hutt Alejandro Gabriel104973ARG2031
4Vazquez Sebastian167355ARG1848
5Decoppet Nestor133787ARG1796
6Jesse Jose131504ARG1790
7Dib Nadir168653ARG1779
8Tula Matias171956ARG1775
9Avalos Julio174505ARG1661
10Hevia Lautaro152897ARG1575
11Nardi Hector131318ARG1569
12Sarla Miyen152170ARG1538
13Caglia Gaston174467ARG1464
14Hevia Geronimo153010ARG1463
15Hernandez Daniel152889ARG1424
16Hilgert Gonzalo161004ARG1387
17Mizzau Hernan171930ARG1362
18Cena Mario182630ARG1293
19Ghiberto Franco140058ARG1217
20Ghiberto Lucia134503ARG1196
21Aguero Joel182923ARG0
22Ayala HoracioARG0
23Balboa VicenteARG0
24Costa NadiaARG0
25Cuaranta RaúlARG0
26Figueroa Hugo ArielARG0
27Gamboa HéctorARG0
28Gimenez JonathanARG0
29Gimenez JoséARG0
30Montibelli Ariel OmarARG0
31Theules MartínARG0
32Vera Hernan174491ARG0