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Chess Day 2018 IM

Last update 24.07.2018 17:59:16, Creator/Last Upload: Drugov Pavel (Russia, Peterhof)

Starting rank list of players

10GMVolodin Aleksandr4501950EST2459
8GMBajarani Ulvi13403028AZE2441
5FMShubin Kirill34119962RUS2380
4FMGolikov Daniil24170623RUS2372
9Saveliev Alexei24128546RUS2357
1FMAskerov Marat24175200RUS2293
3FMKiselev Pavel4191102RUS2282
2FMSiagodnik Anton13505963BLR2248
6IMNadjezhdin Dmitry4126173RUS2184
7WFMNazarova Anastasia34101737FIN2184