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Finale du Championnat d'Algerie Toutes Catégories Dames

Last update 18.07.2018 14:28:19, Creator/Last Upload: Algerian+C1552

Starting rank list of players

1WIMLatreche Sabrina7901798ALG2041
2WFMNassr Rania7901461ALG1874
6WIMToubal Hayat7901631ALG1840
3WIMNassr Lina7908075ALG1817
7WFMLalaoui Feriel7900481ALG1769
5Yousfi Yasmine7904134ALG1551
4WCMNassr Manel7911696ALG1319
9Djerroud Chahrazed7910762ALG1300
8WCMNassr Ryma7920296ALG1078