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Ajedrez Juegos Escolares Valle Clasico Masculino A

Last update 25.07.2010 00:45:03, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Hernandez Cristian AndresVAL1965Cartago
2Zuleta Juan EstebanVAL1916Tulua
3Villamil Nahum JoseVAL1760Cartago
4Salazar Jose AlejandroVAL1631Buga
5Gomez Jhoan NarenVAL1603Anserm/vo
6Rosero JeffersonVAL1584Yumbo
7Espitia Marlon BrandonVAL1500Anserm/vo
8Lozano Betancurt Juan SebastianVAL1400Cerrito
9Torres Miguel AngelVAL1301B/ventura