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Esfahan Championship Girl U10 - 1397

Last update 04.07.2018 18:08:38, Creator: Mr. Sarafnia (Esfahan Chess Association),Last Upload: Vahid Dastjerdi

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Final Ranking after 5 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameFEDRtgPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
12Najafi ReyhanehIRI10534,50,515,565
21Yousefian MaedehIRI11544,50,51569,5
39Eshaghi SetayeshIRI04012,567,5
48Erfan ShadanIRI0401266,5
53Adeli BaharIRI0301561
615Mortazavi NozhinIRI03014,562
76Ahmadi RoyaIRI0301463
820Sabzevari NiyayeshIRI0301349
97Behzadi AvaIRI0309,557,5
1014Koohi SanaIRI02,508,566
1111Janghorban NiayeshIRI02013,548,5
1217Nematolahi YeganehIRI02012,561
1310Ghaderi Zefreh NeyaieshIRI02010,562,5
1419Rahimi ArinaIRI0201046
1521Salimi HastiIRI01,5011,553
1612Karimi AnoushaIRI01013,547,5
1718Radmehr NegarIRI0108,546
1813Kiani MobinaIRI0001015,5
194Aghababaei RozhinaIRI0001014,5
205Aghaie HastiIRI0001010
16Naghibi zadeh SanyaIRI0001010

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sum Buchholz-Tie Break variable