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Brunei Invitational IM Tournament 2

Last update 04.08.2010 06:51:52, Creator/Last Upload: INTCHESS ASIA

Starting rank list of players

6IMBarbosa OliverPHI2452
1IMNguyen Van NuyVIE2426
2IMDuong The AnhVIE2415
10FMRamnath Bhuvanesh RIND2387
4Leong Voon CHoonBRU2340
9WGMSukandar Irine KharismaINA2311
5FMYee Soon WeiBRU2260
7Ansari Mohd Athar DrIND2247
8Hj Azahari Md AliuddinBRU2049
3Munir Azizi b AhmadBRU0