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Final Nacional Absoluto Olimpiada Mundial de Batumi - Georgia 2018

Last update 24.06.2018 19:20:23, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

4GMBarrientos Sergio E4401824RIS2480
3GMEscobar Forero Alder4400801RIS2476
9IMRios Cristhian Camilo4403940VAL2452
2IMMartinez Romero Martin4404025FEC2434
1IMValderrama Quiceno Esteban Albe4442024FEC2430
12IMPanesso Rivera Henry4402707ANT2424
7IMSanchez Sebastian Felipe4403304FEC2411
11IMMosquera Miguel4401131FEC2388
8IMRuiz Castillo Joshua Daniel4400704FEC2378
5FMCardoso Cardoso Jose Gabriel4430492VAL2327
6IMRios Parra Alejandro4400348CAQ2323
10FMMateus Alejandro4402529VAL2293