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2018 China Blitz Chess Championships Women

Last update 08.06.2018 04:40:09, Creator/Last Upload: Chinesechessassociation

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Starting rank list

1GMLei Tingjie8605114CHN2455
2WGMWang Jue8604070CHN2430
3IMWang Yu A.8601097CHN2376
4WGMZhai Mo8600201CHN2375
5IMShen Yang8603162CHN2345
6WGMHuang Qian8602689CHN2282
7WGMGu Xiaobing8602611CHN2238
8Ren Xiaoyi8608709CHN2189
9WFMXiao Yiyi8606161CHN2188
10Yuan Ye8608415CHN2188
11Zhu Jiner8608059CHN2165
12WGMNi Shiqun8608466CHN2163
13Zhang Lanlin8608032CHN2145
14WIMGu Tianlu8603995CHN2132
15WFMZhao Shengxin8608040CHN2132
16Li Xueyi8605912CHN2089
17Liu Hongyan8604789CHN2076
18WIMQiu Mengjie8606137CHN2019
19WCMSong Yuxin8614300CHN1844
20WFMLi Yunshan8607664CHN1770
21Ning Kaiyu8614750CHN1740
22Liu Xianglin8602409CHN0