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JUBs 2018 (Jogos Universitários Brasileiros) Vitória/ES - Feminino

Last update 21.06.2018 02:47:24, Creator/Last Upload: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Starting rank list

1WFMAlboredo Julia212480721662218SP - MACKENZIE
2Librelato Kathie Goulart215396320722155SC - UNESC
3Medeiros Thauane Ferreira213447020162041SP - UNIP
4Guimaraes Cruz Artemis Pamela212110719112029SP - BARÃO DE MAUÁ
5Weber Eduarda Pasqualoto215897318751986SC - UNC
6Ramillo Vitoria Matheus211973018511961SP - UNIP
7Dull Amanda Paul212858618282018SC - UFSC
8Campagnolo Fabiola216003018131996SC - UNIVILLE
9Assuncao Darlane Brito214538317961889PA - UFPA
10Rodrigues Vanessa Ketlyn Sousa213619817561904CE - UFC
11WCMSchucman Rebeca Lot214069117371896SP - BARÃO DE MAUÁ
12Durante Taina211753317031900SC - UNC
13Gattamorta Julia Marzanatti218896114891736GO - UFG
14Rodrigues Jadna Couto218611014861739SE - UFS
15Correa Thalia Regina Carvalho2271998913681800MA - UFMA
16Figueiredo Livia Mara219750212301656RN - UFRN
17Pinheiro Irene Ginani Costa217406501776RN - UFRN
18Puglisi Giovanna Silva Cavalcanti01773GO - UFG
19Da Costa Andressa Soeiro218604701765PA - UFPA
20Carvalho Aristea Ribeiro213504301718CE - UFC
21Silva Emile Pinheiro2271874501711MA - UFMA
22Ramalho Maria Ruthiane Basilio01800RN - UFRN
23Schultz Daniele01800ES - FARESE
24Silva Catharina Luiza Dias01800DF - AAAUNB
25Silva Jadiane Martiliano da01800RN - UFRN
26Silva Kauani Georg01800RN - UFRN