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IRT - I Semifinal do Campeonato Brasiliense Absoluto de Xadrez 2018

Darrera actualització23.06.2018 03:55:52, Creador/Darrera càrrega: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

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Rànquing inicial

1CMSOARES Renan Barbosa Monteiro2119200BRA2156
2GISCLAN Heverton2101777BRA2151
3NASCIMENTO Pedro Henrique Alves2134454BRA1979
4MACIEL Diogo Alves2150450BRA1963
5NAVARRO Luis Flavio Cunha2104040BRA1932
6FELIX Raimundo Nascimento2142899BRA1903
7DA SILVA Fabio Campos22712569BRA1895
8VALCARCEL Victor Ignacio Santos2167638BRA1799
9PASSOS Rafael Moreira22708707BRA1739
10RABELO Jose Carlos Vargas2168065BRA1702
11BARBOSA Edinardo Meireles2136392BRA1677
12DE OLIVEIRA Anderson Jose Ferrei22707212BRA1639
13TERRA Arthur Schneider2157381BRA1628
14FELIX Luiza De Oliveira2168162BRA1608
15CMDE SIQUEIRA Luigy Lira22722734BRA1590
16DOS SANTOS Leandro Ferreira22711848BRA1460
17JUNQUEIRA Leonardo De Faria2125625BRA1444
18CASTELLAR Juarez Iorio2134390BRA1332
19TERRA Enzo Schneider2192853BRA1243