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Blessing Cup 2eme Edition U20 masculin

Posledná aktualizácia 22.05.2018 16:45:03, Creator/Last Upload: ljmuller84

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Štartová listina

1Alexandre BillyHAI1000ENLA
2Augustin ClervensHAI1000Greta HOME
3Bissereth Hantz GelinHAI1000Catherine Flon
4Bonhomme WykendyHAI1000Catherine Flon
5Bruno Allen'sHAI1000Catherine Flon
6Ceravil ValdoHAI1000ENLA
7Charles NaciusHAI1000Fonds Parisien
8Chery GermissonHAI1000CAVINT
9Chris Pin SteeveHAI1000Les Normaliens
10Constant Jn-YvelordHAI1000Child Hope
11Constant LorvensonHAI1000Child Hope
12Constant RitchyHAI1000CAVINT
13Cornet JosuéHAI1000Child Hope
14Degand Denis Ariel XavierHAI1000Catherine Flon
15Denose Jean RonaldHAI1000Fonds Parisien
16Drice SchneiderHAI1000Child Hope
17Elisme RonyHAI1000ENLA
18Estime Marc 2HAI1000CAVINT
19Estimphil RitchyHAI1000Catherine Flon
20Jean Michel Marc JoëlHAI1000Les Normaliens
21Joseph RonaldinhoHAI1000ENLA
22Lemaille EnockHAI1000Catherine Flon
23Louis LovensHAI1000ENLA
24Mondelus CardonelHAI1000ENLA
25Nivrose AngelotHAI1000Respire
26Norelus FrantzderHAI1000ENLA
27Pavelus WadsonHAI1000ENLA
28Pierre AngenorHAI1000Nid Douillet
29Pierre Rood OlivierHAI1000Catherine Flon
30Registre RolmensHAI1000CAVINT
31Renard BonhelHAI1000Child Hope