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Blessing Cup 2eme Edition U10 mixte

Last update 22.05.2018 16:41:26, Creator/Last Upload: ljmuller84

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Starting rank list

1Azolin MelchisedekHAI1000Nid Douillet
2Balisse ToniseHAI1000ENLA
3Cardozo IlannHAI1000Caroussel
4Chancy Joseph Carl HendyHAI1000Carroussel
5Colagene PhilippeHAI1000Caroussel
6Dinat ChiloveHAI1000ENLA
7Jean Rene ClerminaHAI1000ENLA
8Octavius LorvensHAI1000Greta Home
9Paul TheoxaneHAI1000
10Exume LusnoHAI1000
11Pierre JeanHAI0