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25th Abu Dhabi International Chess Festival - Masters

Last update 15.08.2018 13:08:17, Creator/Last Upload: Khoori3

Player overview for EGY

7GMAmin Bassem2684EGY111½0½½116,59102,10Masters
17GMAdly Ahmed2634EGY1½110½½0½54910-13,50Masters

Results of the last round for EGY

Rd.Bo.No. NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtg No.
IMAkash G2410 0 - 1 GMAmin Bassem2684
IMHalvax Georg2437 ½ - ½ GMAdly Ahmed2634

Player details for EGY

GM Amin Bassem 2684 EGY Rp:2691 Pts. 6,5
186CMZuo Yifan2334CHN4,5s 10,890,11101,10
252IMNguyen Anh Khoi2454VIE5,5w 10,790,21102,10
334IMNihal Sarin2556IND5,5s 10,670,33103,30
42GMRapport Richard2719HUN6,5w ½0,450,05100,50
516GMSalem A.R. Saleh2636UAE7,5s 00,57-0,5710-5,70
638GMAryan Chopra2536IND5,5w ½0,70-0,2010-2,00
742IMErigaisi Arjun2517IND6s ½0,72-0,2210-2,20
832GMFier Alexandr2561BRA5,5w 10,670,33103,30
962IMAkash G2410IND5,5s 10,830,17101,70
GM Adly Ahmed 2634 EGY Rp:2514 Pts. 5
196WGMGomes Mary Ann2303IND4s 10,880,12101,20
260IMSadhwani Raunak2424IND5w ½0,77-0,2710-2,70
366Muthaiah Al2391IND5s 10,800,20102,00
441GMVishnu Prasanna. V2517IND4,5w 10,660,34103,40
510GMKorobov Anton2664UKR7,5s 00,46-0,4610-4,60
642IMErigaisi Arjun2517IND6w ½0,66-0,1610-1,60
738GMAryan Chopra2536IND5,5s ½0,63-0,1310-1,30
852IMNguyen Anh Khoi2454VIE5,5w 00,74-0,7410-7,40
956IMHalvax Georg2437AUT5s ½0,75-0,2510-2,50