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Western Cape Schools Individuals 2018 - U18 Boys

Last update 22.05.2018 13:22:36, Creator/Last Upload: Chantelle Jacobs

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Starting rank

1De Jager LuanRSA1894Metro
2Samuels EthanRSA1836Metro
3CMFrye Reece LawrenceRSA1600Metro
4Blows KianRSA1594Metro
5Van Zyl AlbrechtRSA1491Cape Winelands
6Lackay DarioRSA1488Cape Winelands
7Martin NicoRSA1455Metro
8Palmer KeaganRSA1415Cape Winelands
9Kasambala DorianRSA1329Metro
10Saunders MatthewRSA1325Metro
11De Wit StephanRSA1294Metro
12Siyo SibabaleRSA1292Metro
13Lewis GershwinRSA1282Eden
14Mavosa VallentinoRSA1213Metro
15Jacobs Brandon LeeRSA1199Metro
16Thompson ThembaRSA1176Metro
17Blaauw AswilRSA1174Cape Winelands
18Roos RicoRSA1163Overberg
19Adams RantinoRSA1138Cape Winelands
20Gilbert CheslynRSA1135Eden
21Armitrano AndreaRSA1134Overberg
22Windvogel MonrayRSA1134Overberg
23Cooksen JadenRSA1133Overberg
24Deysel AshwinRSA1120Cape Winelands
25Joseph DylanRSA1119West Coast
26Alberts AdriaanRSA1101Cape Winelands
27Briers-Louw DanielRSA1095Cape Winelands
28Ferus QuanRSA1093Cape Winelands
29Oktober JaysonRSA1068Eden
30Snyders MikaRSA1062Overberg
31Cilliers SalmoRSA1041Cape Winelands
32Matthysen MonwillRSA1039Overberg
33Isaacs EverardRSA1036West Coast
34Juta CornellRSA1032Eden
35Appel PaulRSA1031Overberg
36Flippies HanzeRSA1021Eden
37Rhode JadriqueRSA1020Eden
38Swarts RavenRSA1018Overberg
39Nero JuanRSA1009West Coast
40Smit NelisRSA1008Eden
41Edons RandallRSA984Overberg
42Pillay KyleRSA982Eden
43Edwards DarrenRSA975Eden
44Kleinhans JasonRSA967Overberg
45Booysen MondreRSA965Overberg
46Beukes KyleRSA960Eden
47Claasen DevenRSA933West Coast
48Cloete AngeloRSA932West Coast
49Douries CharlRSA901West Coast
50Lesch KeanoRSA866West Coast
51Syster AnwarRSA800West Coast
52Van Wyk Rowan-LeeRSA777West Coast
53Karolus DonzowaanRSA744West Coast