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Inter Region 2018 U14

Last update 05.05.2018 18:24:05, Creator/Last Upload: Karin Louw

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Starting rank

1Matikaan JacquesRSA1063
2Pretorius WeanRSA999
3Ntshabele TokologoRSA907
4Segatle TemoRSA898
5Tlhage MolemoRSA898
6Msingapantsi NtsikaRSA847
7Mhlongo VidaRSA841
8Spooner KutlwanoRSA814
9Minnaar EthanRSA802
10Jaap IsabellaRSA801
11Matomane LandaRSA798
12De Beer StefanusRSA796
13Theron AnjaRSA796
14Thebe ReabetsweRSA767
15Bam AntonioRSA751
16Rampete BogoloRSA746
17Buitendag JancoRSA744
18Brand RobinRSA739
19Jordaan MonicaRSA726
20Moolman ArnoRSA700
21Rampete BaonaRSA697
22Bhagwandeen DakshRSA667
23Seabela ThorisoRSA666
24Mogaecho GomolemoRSA640
25Breedt OwenRSA639
26Fortuin NicoleRSA633
27Molefi MolemoRSA625
28De Abreu CristianoRSA620
29Van Der Watt SarietaRSA616
30Roos MarkoRSA605
31Pienaar ClaudineRSA602
32Appollis CindyRSA598
33Mafila DimakatsoRSA598
34Kopa KatlegoRSA576
35Makhele HloniRSA562
36Robberts Morne ChristianRSA560
37Jonas NtlantlaRSA559
38Beelders RyanRSA553
39Buitendag MarnoRSA552
40Nkuna NaraRSA539
41Leqela TebohoRSA530
42Botha ShaunRSA522
43Swart Lu-MaeRSA515
44Sefate NokuthulaRSA511
45Jonas ElethuRSA500
46Maass JancoRSA500
47Morake VuyizileRSA500
48Mziki LithaRSA500
49Namane OrapelengRSA500
50Rambuda FuniRSA500
51Burger Chris-MariRSA0
52Cyphus LynchRSA0
53De Bruyn WillemRSA0
54Fransman ArchardRSA0
55Galena AbuleleRSA0
56Lesia Katleho0
57Maritz FranjoRSA0
58Mxutule XolilizweRSA0
59Phemello PaulRSA0