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Campeonato de Canarias Juvenil 2018

Last update 13.05.2018 14:45:12, Creator/Last Upload: Gonzalez Valero

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Starting rank list

1Perez Perez Gabriel20832079Temerife
2Rodriguez Miranda Sergio19921961La Palma
3Martin Rodriguez Pablo19551931La Palma
4Gil Ojeda Jorge18731878Tenerife
5Reyes Lopez Angel18461851Tenerife
6Navio Lopez Manuel18321827Lanzarote
7Rodriguez Rodriguez Hector17271694La Palma
8Mamani Beltran Deniman17141711Tenerife
9Perez Garcia Jimena17091704Tenerife
10Baez Luis Adrian16501645Tenerife
11Mamani Beltran Daniel16121608Tenerife
12Diaz Reyes Killian16111615Tenerife
13Montesinos Mujica Emmanuel Alej16031589Fuerteventura
14Marin Dorta Alejandro14331441Tenerife
15Chen Zhe14101381Fuerteventura
16Rodriguez Montesdeoca Victor12651246Hierro
17Castrejon Castro Jesus11511075Fuerteventura
18Brewer Hoyos Jose Ricardo11301168Tenerife
19Cruz Paz Victor10371045Tenerife