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EK Open

Last update 22.05.2018 22:51:58, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 2)

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Round 5 on 2018/05/24 at 19:45

Bo.No.NameRtgPts. ResultPts. NameRtgNo.
11Marks Ian A1865 Mccormack Derek17665
23Dunlop Anthony1824 3 Dobbie Graham M18004
39Murray Frankie1609 3 Smalls Jim A17137
42Jelfs Alan1856 Brisbane Tom150512
529Nobile Aaron0 Brookens Lewis17636
610Brownlee Ian G1604 Howie Colin137619
78Mcdonald Duncan16342 2 Weir Joseph E137817
816Dunn Jeff13822 2 Jose Thomas125823
911Stevenson Charles1510 Mackenzie Ian143715
1013Robertson Jim1504 Caskie Gordon137618
1114Johnston Jim1479 Saemundsson Thor113625
1222Forbes Graham12611 1 Scott Donald131020
1326Perrie Bill10231 ½ Madhavan Sanjith35128
1421Freel Lawrence12931 bye 
1524Howie Derek1205½ 0 not paired 
1627Reddy Abhi747½ 0 not paired