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Festival 47 aniversari Tres Peons - Torneig 4 (184978)

Last update 01.07.2018 02:54:42, Creator/Last Upload: Jaume Gallart Zafra

Starting rank list of players

4Garcia Espelta Josep20632143Valls C.E.
1Cespedes Llaverias Llibert20292104Tres Peons C.E.
2Magallanes Gustavo19592149Peon Doblado
5Van Keulen Onno19382095Tres Peons C.E.
6Padros Martinez Albert19292045Torreblanca, Club Escacs
3Torrents Ludewig Miguel18962065Tres Peons C.E.
7Barragan Hernandez Manel18942027Tres Peons C.E.
8Jimenez Sanchez Joan17891992Tres Peons C.E.
9Munoz Lozano Jorge Manuel17471992Torreblanca, Club Escacs