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Festival 47 aniversari Tres Peons - Torneig 6 (184980)

Last update 25.06.2018 16:22:11, Creator/Last Upload: Jaume Gallart Zafra

Starting rank list of players

6Molina Sanchez Ruben01800Masnou C.E.
2Sanfeliu Lopez Jaume17201850Tres Peons C.E.
4Artes Closa Enric01706Tres Peons C.E.
5Elsener Nicoletta01700Tres Peons C.E.
7Shenkel Alberto01696Tres Peons C.E.
1Iglesias Lopez Albert16811867Tres Peons C.E.
3Sanchez De Medina Vilagrasa En15361727Tres Peons C.E.
10Cervera Alemany Serafi14601722Tres Peons C.E.
8Bertrand Sjors14021672Tres Peons C.E.
9Gendre Diez Virginia12331510Igualada C.E.